Monday, February 9, 2009

A Caretaker

When you are a mom, you also have the job as caretaker . The reason why i said a mom is a caretaker is because you automatically take the responsibilities for all the duties you perform. Some of these duties includes: taking care of the children when they are sick by giving them the right amount of dosage for medicines or taking them to the doctors. A caretaker has different meanings to it depending on how you use the term, but one meaning for it is that you are a person who takes care of another person. The people that you take care of is your children. What a mom does to take care of her kids is, preparing meals for them and keeping them clean by bathing them. A mom also dresses her kids and takes them shopping. Another meaning to the term caretaker is, a person who is in charged of maintenance of a building. That also applies to a mom because she takes care of the home by keeping it neat and clean. She picks after the kids and cleans up their messes. She also makes sure everything is child safety. So being a mom could a caretaker in many ways just by the duties that she performs.

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