Monday, April 27, 2009

Torture Memo Respond

Are the intense interrogation techniques that the United States uses, a form of torture that C.I.A agents should continue to use as an effective tool? I believe that these interrogation techniques such as water boarding, cramping, and walling is a form of torture because is used to make a person feel all distorted just to get information from him. Torture ( is the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty, and waterboarding (“”) is a form of torture. I don't believe that these tools are effective because when it is used on a person to get information from him, he isn't giving the correct information because he is not thinking clearly. He might also give false information to the C.I.A agents so that they would stop torturing him. If a person is still not giving information at all then the techniques that the agent is using is not effective because no matter what the agent does towards him he still won’t speak.

I believe that interrogation such as walling and water boarding is still a form of torture because it can still do harm to a person physically and mentally. Walling consists of slamming a person against a wall to get him to talk. I think this form of technique is only hurting him. Walling doesn’t get a person anywhere or any information. I think water boarding is still torture because it makes a person believe that he is drowning. This technique makes him feel like he can’t believe and is suffocating even when he isn’t really drowning it stills feel that way. These techniques use still causes pain to a person, so therefore I do believe it is torture.

I don’t believe that the interrogation techniques that the C.I.A agents use are an effective tool because like I mentioned above it could cause a person to give false information. It could also cause a person to tell lies just so C.I.A agents would get an answer from him. I think the techniques that they use only puts fear into a person’s mind, causing him to think differently than he normally would. I think that the United States should find a different solution and method to use when interrogating a person, one which doesn’t feel like torture.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Single Moms

According to "", there are about 10.4 million single moms since the year 2006. Being a single mom is really hard because she has to do everything on her own such as working, taking care of her children, and providing for them. For a single mom it can get really frustrating and stressful at time because there is no one else there to help her with her kids. She also doesn't have any one to support her. Most single moms would probably have to find some assistance to help her out with housing and paying her bills. Even if she have a job she might not make enough money to provide for her kids and pay all the utilities at the same time. She might seek help from the county, where they offer a bunch of different benefit programs such as food stamps, child care, health care, and filing for child support.

A single mom most likely don't have much time to her or have time to relax because she is probably constantly around her kids and satisfying their needs and not her own. Taking time away from her kids or just a couple of hour will help her relieve some stress and relax a bit. She should ask her children's grandparents if they can watch her kids for an hour or so, so that she would have some free time to her self.
A single mom that has been single for a great amount of time should go out and mingle. She might find other single moms which would be a great thing because they can share their experience with each and get more advices and tips on being a single mom. She might even meet a single dad or find love once again. Find someone that might help her out as partner in parenting.

A single mom probably work twice as hard and she probably sets a higher goal for herself because she wants to give her children the best things in life that she can offer them. She works twice as hard as a mom because she doesn't want her kids to go through what she had gone through. I think single moms are the strongest women because of the hardship that they have to go through just to survive as a single mom.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Stay at Home Moms

There is nothing wrong with being a stay at home mom. Although some people do judge moms that stay at home by saying that they are lazy and don't want to do anything. She might even feel guilty when people judge her for being a stay at home mother. There are plenty of different reasons why some moms choose to be a stay at home mom, people just don't see it from her point of view, but from their own. I don't think there is anything wrong with a mom who chooses to stay home and be with her child.

Some people might call stay at home moms lazy. A working mom might judge a stay at home mom and wonder why she does not work, when she has to support her kids. Like I mentioned above judging a stay at home mom might make her feel guilty over something she don't have to be guilty about. It's okay to be a stay at home mom without the judgments of others. It shouldn't matter what others think. Some people might think its wrong or judge a stay at home mom because they can't be at home with their own kids. They might be missing out on their own child. Others might hate the fact that they have to work while she doesn't have to work.

A mom probably have several difference reason why she chooses to stay at home with her son. She might stay at home with her son because he is too young and she can't let go of him just yet. She might even just be waiting until he reaches a school age, where she is sure that he can take care of himself and be away from her for a few hours. A mom might stay home to take care of her child because he is still too attached to her and can't let her go. She might even choose to stay home because it is something her and her husband agreed on. It is also hard to trust someone else to watch over your child while you are gone because you don't know what a person can do to your child. As for me I am very caution about who babysits my child because I don't know if they feed him when he needs to be fed or if they are paying attention to him at all. He is 3 years old and I still get worried about who he stays with and still can't let go that he is now growing up. I still rush home from school just to come and take care of him even if when I know that he is in good hands. There are several reason I could come up with and it is what I feel. I think a person shouldn't change a stay at home mom because she chooses to be one for a reason.

The Teenage Mom

It's already hard to be a mom, but can you image how hard it is to be a teenage mom? A teenage mom might be overwhelmed and scared. She doesn't know anything about taking care of a child when she is not a full adult herself. She would have to balance out taking care of her child, being a student in high school, and find the time to herself or with friends. That is not an easy task to do because she probably has a lot of things going on for her. She probably won't even have much time for herself or for her friends, which will probably cause her to stress out because she can't relieve any stress or have anything free time.

Being a first time mom especially, a first time teenage mom can be quite scary. She might be afraid because she does not know much about raising a child. A newborn constantly cries for everything he needs, such as formula, a diaper change, or just wanting to be held. If her child does not stop crying, it might even scare her more because she can't seem to figure out what is the cause of his cry. She might even freak out when her son gets sick with a fever and rush him into the emergency room because that is all that she can think of. She wouldn't think to give him tylenol to bring it his fever down because she wouldn't know. Most likely the doctors will give her directions and prescribe him tylenol or some kind of medicine for his fever.

It can be very stressful for a teenage mom because she probably has to balance her work in being a full-time high school and a full-time mom. It is hard to find the time to study or do homework and work around a baby's schedule. A baby can be up one moment and asleep the next. He can be crying and wants to be held; he can also be fine one moment. It's also hard when she needs a friend to vent to and she doesn't have time for friends because she is too busy taking care of her baby. This can probably cause her to be depress and moody. So you see it's not easy to be a mom, but it's even harder if you're a teenage mom.